“The public Life of
Iso’-Msiha is celebrated during the Weeks of Epiphany.”
The feast of Denha (Epiphany) is the source and inspiration of this particular
Season. The feast is celebrated on the 6th
of January, as the Baptism of our Lord in river Jordan. In this connection, this feast is well known
both as Pindipperunal and Rakkulipperunal.
The Syriac term Denha means “epiphany” or “manifestation”. At the end of his hidden life at Nazareth, Iso’-Msiha, our Redeemer, wished to
begin his public life with a ceremonial public announcement. Not only his forerunner John the Baptist, but
even his heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit testified it.
The feast evolved out of the desire
of Mar Toma Nazranees to honour
becomingly Iso’-Msiha, “the light of
the world and life of all” (Order of Raza).

The popular celebration in the
Southern parts of Kerala stresses another aspect of the same feast, namely, the
Baptism in Jordan itself. In imitation
of Iso’s Baptism, the ancient Mar Toma Nazranees used to perform a
ritual bath in the nearby ponds or rivers, singing psalms and other religious
hymns in the previous night (Ravu) of the feast of Denha. Thus, the feast began
to be known as Rakkulipperunal (feast
with a night bath).
“The Season of Denha
begins on the Sunday closer to the feast of Denha on January 6th.”
mysteries of faith such as, the Person of Iso’-Msiha,
his human and divine natures, the divine Trinity as expressed through the humanity
of Iso’-Msiha, the Trinitarian
dimension of our life of faith, the self-emptying love of God, the relation of
saints to the manifestation of Iso’-Msiha,
and so on shine forth in the prayers and biblical readings, proper to this
As already discussed, God is one;
there are three Persons in the one God: Father, Son, and Ruha da-Qudsa (Holy
The Second Person of the Holy
Trinity, taking human body from Blessed Virgin Mary, became man. He is Iso’-Msiha
has only one personality, namely, the divine personality, but two natures, the
divine and human natures.
“Whenever a Mar Toma Nazranee makes the sign of
the cross on himself, holding the fist three fingers of the right hand joined
together and the other two folded inward, he confesses both these basic
mysteries of Christian faith, namely, that of the Holy Trinity
It is the tradition of Mar Toma Margam to celebrate the feasts of Saints in connection with the
manifestation of the Lord.
is the most important day of the week liturgically. It is the first
day of the week; it is the Lord’s day;
it is also said to be the 8th day of
the week, meaning that it is the eschatological
day, namely, the day of Resurrection. Generally Lord’s
Feasts alone are celebrated on Sundays.
is the next important day of the week and feasts of the Saints that go with the
spirit of the Season are usually celebrated on that day.
“Feasts of St. John the Baptist, Apostles Peter
and Paul, Evangelist, Stephen the Martyr, Fathers of the Church, Patron Saint
of the local Church, All the Departed, are celebrated according to the given
order on the Fridays of Denha Season.
The last Friday of this season, i.e., the Friday immediately before the
beginning of Great Fast must be set apart to remember all the Departed.”
Mar Toma Nazranees remember and celebrate all their beloved departed on this
particular Friday and not on November 2, as it is in the Latin Church.
day Fast is another important ce1ebration during Denha Season. This falls on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 18 days before the beginning
of Great Fast.
This Fast is observed every year as a
thanksgiving for the great gift of being saved from a devastating epidemic that
affected the places like Bet-Carmei, Athur and Nineveh between A. D. 570 and 581, through prayer and fasting. Three-day rigorous fasting comes to an end
with the veneration of the cross and feast celebration on the fourth day.
The Sivarathri fasting and worship in the temple of the Hindu brethren
in Kerala occur almost concurrently. It
is possible that these two fasting are somehow related to each other.
“A believer who
celebrates the Baptism and public life of Iso’-Msiha must be convinced more and
more of his own baptism which is a sharing in the death and resurrection of the
Redeemer and must try to deepen his personal relationship with the Holy Trinity
constantly renewing his own life."
A hymn believed to be composed by
Mar Aprem and sung in the Liturgy of the
Hours of the Sixth Sunday of the Season is worth quoting here:
“Blessed is the One who received
Baptism in order to give you the Baptism of remission of sins.
In the Baptism of John, the Holy
Spirit descended from above and sanctified the water by his indwelling. He left everyone else and dwelt upon the ONE
PERSON. Now, however, he has descended and dwelt upon all who are born of water. Among those who were baptized by John, only
upon ONE PERSON the Holy Spirit dwelt.
Now, however, he has descended in order to dwell upon many.”
“O Lord, the Baptism you received
from John at Jordan is a source of blessings and the fulfilment of life in
faith to us. It prepared the way to
heaven, to all those who receive Baptism with perfect faith in the glorious
Persons of the adorable Trinity.
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